It’s Not the Dough, it’s the Dopamine: The Dangerous Myth of the Responsible Gambling Model
How the gambling industry misleads regulators and imperils the public’s health. . . and what we can do about it
An unprecedented Zoom event during Problem Gambling Awareness Month
March 15, 2023 from 1:00 – 3:00 PM EDT

Dick Daynard, University Distinguished Professor of Law at Northeastern University, has long been at the forefront of an international movement to establish the legal responsibility of the tobacco industry for tobacco-induced death, disease and disability. He is president of the law school’s Public Health Advocacy Institute, chairs its Tobacco Products Liability Project and helped initiate its Center for Public Health Litigation. Recently, he has worked with PHAI on issues involving obesity, gambling, opioids, gun control and e-cigarettes.
Jim Orford is Emeritus Professor of Clinical and Community Psychology at the University of Birmingham. His books on addiction include Excessive Appetites: A Psychological View of Addictions and An Unsafe Bet?: The Dangerous Rise of Gambling and the Debate We Should Be Having, and, most recently, The Gambling Establishment: Challenging the Power of the Modern Gambling Industry and its Allies, published by Routledge in 2019.
Mark Petticrew is director of the National Institute of Health and Care’s Public Health Research Unit and Faculty of Public Health and Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine where he heads the Department of Public Health, Environments and Society. His research on commercial determinants of health extends from alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and fast food to gambling.

Matt Gaskell is a consultant psychologist and a clinical lead for addictions for the Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and serves as clinical lead for the National Health Service Northern Gambling Service.
Liz Ritchie, along with her husband Charles, founded Gambling with Lives in 2018 to support bereaved families, raise awareness of the devastating effects of Gambling Disorder, and campaign for change.
Will Prochaska is the Strategy Director for the charity.

Harry Levant of Ethos Treatment, LLC is an Internationally Certified Gambling Counselor and policy advocate working with people and families struggling with gambling disorder; also a person with lived-experience in recovery from gambling addiction, and a doctoral student at Northeastern University who researches the impact of gambling on public health.
Mark Gottlieb is the executive director of the Public Health Advocacy Institute at Northeastern University School of Law in Boston where he teaches public health advocacy. His research and advocacy have focused on tobacco litigation as a public health strategy, examining legal and policy approaches to food policy, and considering public health approaches to gambling and gun violence.